- 2019
- 05Signed the Global SaaS Incubating Projects with NBP(Naver Business Platform)
- 04Selected as a industrial revolution business for Global SaaS Incubating Projects
(Development and commercialization of UC&C SaaS) - 01Signed an MOU with 1-To-All Co,. LTD., Thailand for UC Messenger business expansion
- 01UC Messenger surpassed 1,000 customers domestically
- 2018
- 10Cloud Expo Asia Singapore
- 10Participated in CeBIT ASEAN Thailand
- 10Japan Venture Marketing Project
- 09Participated in Smart City Asia Summit 2018
- 07Gained a venture business certificate
- 2019
Growth Stage
- 2017
- 12 Signed an agreement of Seoul Smart City Leaders Consortium
- 07Participated in Uzbekistan-Korea ICT Sharing Forum
- 03Released UCM UC for Mac
- 02Joined the Korea Small and Medium ICT Export Cooperative
- 2016
- 11Launched UCM UC for Mobile
- 11Gained a certificate of Corporate Affiliated Research Institute
- 2015
- 01Gained GS certification
- 01Released UCM UC for AVAYA
- 2014
- 07Released UCM UC for CISCO
- 2010
- 08Singed a contract with IBM Partner to provide UCM UC Messenger
- 2017
Start up
- 2009
- 11Singed a contract with MS Partner to provide UCM UC Messenger
- 09Singed a partnership agreement with contract Ericsson LG UC
- 2008
- 05Launched UCM UC Messenger
- 2007
- 07Established UCWARE Co., Ltd.
- 2009